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A member registered Jan 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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I liked the concept of using the map to locate the chest and the ability to upgrade weapons/character capabilities. The levels were all pretty different but had a similar feel to them which made the game cohesive! It might be helpful to adjust the lighting of the game to be more gloomy/dark to fit the goal of the game. Really well done!

love love loved the aesthetics of this game! Felt very whimsical and everything about the game was cohesive with this theme. I like the added feature of a double jump. The only thing I would say to improve is the font color and the size of the font as I can’t really read it in the title/instruction screens as well as on the UI when the player collects the items.

The concept behind this game is so unique and I love how each level incorporates the style of the paintings! I think it would be useful to have a brighter “exit” color since it is such a colorful game and it might be confusing as to how to get out. I really like the concept of the portals as well. Super fun game!

I love all the different mini games included in this game! The animations, sounds, and aesthetic are visually appealing and really fit well with the “cyberchase” inspired theme that you all were going for! I think it might be helpful to have the enemies react quicker to the bullets as they disappear much later after they are hit (unless that was intended).

I like that your game had a shooting/combat feature which fit in really well with your theme. I like the user interface with the lives to show health. The sprites and designs look very cohesive and futuristic which fits perfectly with the story. Really fun game!

I loved the polished designs and animations/sprites. I really appreciated the small details like the tape corresponding to the type of package and the mini map feature!I think it would be worth to explain the goal in some starting scene because there are lots of moving slides. For example, the details regarding individual packages is not fully understood (integrity, etc). The clouds could look a little more dangerous as they end up providing damage but don’t look harmful at first. 

I thought the concept for this game was great. While the execution could be improved, I really liked the aesthetics of the first boat level. I think that same aesthetic could be applied to the second level with just a few changes to make the game more cohesive. I think it would be useful to change the sound effects and music to match the second level theme.

This was a simple yet really fun game! I loved that each mini game led to a clue for the ultimate ending so it kept the player engaged. I think it would be useful to have some sort of clues/arrows that serve as an indication to where they should go on the main street as it was a little difficult to find which house to go to. Other than that, it was a lot of fun to play!

This was such a complex and detailed game - I really appreciate how much work went in the various aspects of this game.It would be helpful to have a sample "tutorial" at the beginning that walks the player through an example of taking the prisoners from one place to another. I also think the riddles are not so intuitive and it is easy to miss out on some of the key things that are used to complete the level so having a reminder or checklist that keeps track of the clues would be great! Other than that, I love the theme and the aesthetic overall!

This was such a fun and unique concept! It reminded me of the setup in Overcooked. It would've been nice to see a display of points/hunger that shows feedback for how much the player needs. Great job!

I thought you guys did something really cool by bringing what is typically fun (a dog) into a very dark and mysterious environment (dungeon). The lighting and aesthetic really play into this but if I could improve one thing, it would be to change the music to also fit in with that theme. Great job!

This game is incredibly well done and thought out! I loved the conversation bubbles at the beginning and the sounds really brought the theme together. I think the title and end screens (happy) could be matched better to fit the overall game (dark and mysterious) but other than that, incredible job!

This game had such a unique storyline to it and I thought the toilet paper was such a cute addition to the halloween theme that you were aiming for.  One thing that could be worked upon is the user interface for collecting candies - I think you can make it bigger but also more exciting and provide feedback to the player that highlights the excitement and incentive to collect them. Overall, I had so much fun playing this game and you all did a wonderful job in developing it/making significant improvements between the play test and the final result!

This game had such a unique, playful feel to it and was overall a lot of fun to play! Your choice to add the ability to create a portal was so creative and one that I felt added a new layer of ingenuity to your game. One thing that I think could be improved is how detailed and complex some of the levels were as it may fail to optimize the attention span of the player when the level completion begins to feel unattainable. Instead, you could perhaps split some of the levels into two, separate levels of their own. Overall, a job really well done!

The user interface of this game has clearly been polished and well thought out. I really like the color scheme that you all chose with the dark purple and ombre look - it helped me realize how much colors influence the mood of the game and the resulting experience that a player undergoes. As mentioned in class, I think this game is a bit difficult for beginners to play as the melee attack (while a very cool addition) can be quite confusing to handle if a player is not used to such controls. Other than that, your game is a great testament to the hard work you put in to make it as smooth and professional as it is!

I really appreciated the cohesiveness of this game - from the artistic style of the sprites and animations to the sounds, the game felt very well put together. Each level flowed smoothly from one to another and the change in sounds/effects gave a professional polish to the game as a whole. One thing I feel could be improved is the color scheme of the backgrounds as their patterns made it a bit difficult to view the player himself (who is lighter in color) but overall, incredible job!