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A member registered Feb 20, 2019

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(1 edit)

I entered the Forest, when I got every key and passed the iron gate at the end, I quit because I needed to do other things, when I came back and launched the game, I found myself in this weird place was there. I think it said "Error" and had some weird writings in red at the top left corner of my screen, the place was a hallway with noises that got worse and worse as I continued to explore. In front of me was the face on the TV where the music box of Sadness is in the Realverse. Another hallway was accessible where I proceeded, there we're blinding lights and sprites of a weird figure in the background. A sort of eye figure chased me but not the same one as in the start of the game, it was sort of triangular shaped. My game crashed when it finally reached me with a pop up error, then my screen started getting brighter and darker, the background didnt change to black this time but flashed different lights eventually stopping at orange, my sound went up and down with laughing, and finally went to max sound and had a deafening ringing sound that was so loud I turned off my headphones. The taskbar disappeared. I'm scared to open the game again because not only might it repeat but there might not be the debug mode to restart the game. Please help. 

Edit: I opened the game back up and it went back to the Forest.