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A member registered Aug 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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I been looking forward to this game as much as any, relax on having many girls come in so quick, thats part of your burn out trust me. Focus on stretching the min for awhile  it helps with decisions and framework for faster/more content for the time spent in creating. Your doing amazing though it's your world do as you please that's just my advice from a fan to a friend  I'll keep in touch everyother update or so. Best wishes. 

(1 edit)

Okay so... Why not go deep and work hard on 1 at a time. Have it be a actual "Game" and adventurous with say options. Right now everything is just a few frames of multiple sex scenes with random cartoons and honestly you can do one piece or demon hunter for example only and make a big great game. Right now, im dissatisfied big time. 

 P.s Doing this to raise money might catch a few suckers like me but everyone will be left with dissatisfaction for now. Yet, you have potential.