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A member registered Apr 06, 2021

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I take your answers as ruling to refer to, so it definitely helps. 

The problem with the spell, I think, is the tendency to use it as "Dispel Magic", to end any spells' effect at any time : )

Thank you! What confuses me is that the Spells & Conditions block says:

A healing spell can clear the Injured, Hexed, or Unconscious Conditions, if the spell’s effect would heal the cause of the Condition.

Does that mean, that you don't need to pick or buy for xp points any healing spell, since even if you do, it has requirements to work, while 1st year Finite spell can fix any of the 7 years spells without these requirements?

How to deal with players tending to fix any curse/spell effect with Finite Intantatem counterspell?

Hey frain! No, I don't, for that's the specifics of that kind of system – the adventure is created collaboratively in the process. You all are authors, unlike "classic" games, like D&D, where you have the pre-written scenario and basically you are the only narrator. You just have to try it once and trust your players, in fact, RPG newbies play that kinds of systems the best because they don't have thinking cliches from other RPGs, and just let their imagination out :) But you have to know the basics of HP Universe (movies are enough in fact) and if you need ideas about villains and their plots, you can read 

Also, listen to the podcast above, the last 30 minutes or so is the mini actual play from David. It really helped me. 

Here's a 4 session long actual play aswell. Wish you the great game! I'm sure you will have a lot of fun! :)

Thank you so much! Now can't wait to test that all : ))

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ran few mini campaigns of Hogwarts RPG and had a blast. And here with a couple of new questions, to make it even better : )

1. If a player chooses another player's character as a friend, does that mean another player can only choose him as a friend as well? (Same with rivals)
2. Do you have any tips on how the game works best: is it better to always keep the players as one group? Because when I let them do their own stuff separately, which is common for most PbtA games, it doesn't work well : /
3. As mentioned by the author, the game is meant to be played for students only. But why the "Create Your Wizard" step 1 says "Your witch/wizard may be a 1st-7th Year student, or a graduate like a teacher or staff member."?

Thank  you!

Thank you very much. I'm pretty successful with my research, and definitely will check out these two. For now I understand, that I need to get rid of that "action economy" thinking and take turns as a spotlight. 

Great! I'm still thinking about the role of the Face Danger in combat, but I think I just need to research and practice combat in PbtA more, since Hogwarts is my first PbtA game to run. Your answers always improve my games a lot, thank you so much! : )

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Maybe that Google Sheets version will help. Just copy it into your GDrive to edit.

Hogwarts RPG Charcter sheet:

Dice Roller (you can copypaste it into your charsheet):

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Amazing, i was looking for that very map really hard, thanks!

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Hello again! Maybe it's my English level's fault, but can you please clarify,

1. What's the difference between two 10+ options of Face Danger:
"You stand firm and nobody gets hurt.
You aren’t hurt, and you hurt the threat right back." 
What's the point of choosing the first one, it seems that it just doesn't change the situation at all.
2. "Learning spells" says they can be learned from a book and you don't even need a roll for it. Does it mean, a student can just have the textbook with him all the time and learn whatever spell he needs? What's the point of gaining experience and spending it to learn a new spell? Or spending luck point to try to cast it?
3. Help or Hinder Someone – "Offer them 1 Experience to stop what they're doing." That sounds like the option for players. How to narrate that as the option for characters?

Thank you in advance!

Hey there, just in case – there is a Russian fanmade translation already. A couple of mistakes here and there, but it's complete.

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Thank you! That makes things much appealing :D 

Hello and thank you for such a nice and pretty game. Can you tell me please what happens, when a character takes four Experience during the game, does he has to stop adding it after each failed roll since he can only advance at the end of a session? 


Miro allows you to draw on the sheet, just like in real life (see video on editing hogwarts sheet here:

PbtA games don't require complicated automatization, since the character sheet editing is literally about marking and underlining a few dots and words :) For a character sheet to be available in Roll20 it needs to be created and exported there, since it's not available in options (you can check it by "create a game" and "choose character sheet" options in roll20) it's not been exported there. And, frankly, one does not need it :) 

Try using You can drag and drop any materials and customize them there live.