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A member registered Jul 21, 2020

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It did. Finally have the whole gallery complete. :P

100/10 game. Amazing work. Looking forward to your next project and I will of course donate again because this is a work of art that deserves it!

I'm only using a in-game walkthrough mod. Deleleted the files but that didn't work. I couldn't re-download your game yesterday because i was out of limit for downloading for MEGA. Re-downloading now and see if that will fix it!

(1 edit)

I have a new problem.. When reaching the ending of 0.9 *SPOILERS* it asks if you want to kill (you know who) or don't shoot.. After I make the choice I get this error :

How do I fix this??

(It says in the red text : "Image 'ToBeContinued1' not found."

I did... Nothing happens? David (the husband) just walks in and I leave,.

How do you unlock the first new scene in V1.0? I have them all unlocked pretty easily but I can't seem to unlock this one? (I think I have to do something special in the wedding/church but I can't figure it out!)