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A member registered Feb 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the kind words and we're glad you got to try it out!

This was lovely to wake up to, thank you both so much! this is definitely a huge compliment coming from you Panas, your art for A Little Bit Smore is so cohesive and beautiful It was so lovely to play a game with your style! We're all so glad you enjoyed our game, we loved your team's game too!

I like the idea behind the game! the dash could only work with the left shift button so I couldn't get very far having to scrunch my hand over WASD, Lshift, and the space bar to traverse the platforming but I think this has potential!

This game is amazing! the art style is so pretty, I loved the story and the game play is fun yet challenging! What a well rounded experience!

This is a wonderful start for a concept like this! I'd love to see more from this idea someday

Very cool game! I love the visuals. I had an issue where I missed timed a jump and got stuck on  a sign and since there's no menu that I can see, the world despawned and I fell forever until closing the window. I also seem to be resetting my run when I land on the platforms sometimes, I assume its the regular fail state of the game but it happens before really telling if i land on the platform or even when I clearly land on them! All in all very cool game concept, i'd love to see more!

very fun concept! love the play on soft with software! I ran into an issue where after I died and respawned I couldn't move at all, it could be a browser issue but just so you know