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A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is really fun, and the concept is unique. The different types of enemies add a lot of good challenge to the gameplay. The moving platforms are also very fun to navigate. 

One suggestion I have would be to add an on-screen score display to show how many enemies you've defeated, and possibly a minimum requirement for how many enemies to defeat to advance to the next level

This was very fun to play and just the right amount challenging.  The levels are all very well-developed and have a nice aesthetic. I also really liked the shooting sound effect.

I love the progressive increase in difficulty of this game, the survival mode, and the upgrades that you can get. I also liked the fact that there are two different joysticks.

One single concern I have is, I saw in the playthrough that one of the bullets that didn't hit the enemy did not get destroyed, but that's just a minor thing.

Overall, great work! :)

I love the concept of this game and overall it is very well done. The minigames are really cool, the world looks great, and the animations are so unique and incredible

This game is very well developed and detailed. The little things like the sound effects, the customized cursor, and the dialogue boxes make this game come to life. The gameplay is also very well done. This game reminds me of Wizard101 which used to be my favorite game for a while

I love the concept of this game.

I remember playing the game during beta testing and it has improved quite a bit since then. The enemy AI has improved considerably, and the food is easier to pick up. I also like that you took into account my feedback of making the food disappear once the player eats it.

I loved the gameplay and also the overall concept of the game. The setting is well-developed and each of the different stages the player has to go through are both fun to play and tie in well with the story. My favorite was the one where you had to rearrange the tiles to correctly form a puzzle

Great game! The enemy AI is well implemented, and the animations are very detailed. Also I love how the elements of the UI match the theme of the game.

Great game overall! I love the color palette and overall aesthetic of each level. Also it's amazing how conceptually simple yet practically challenging the game is.

I really enjoyed this game and I think the level of detail is great. I love how the different choices you make really impact the outcome of the story. I also think the minigame puzzles were a nice touch

Great game! The art style is neat. The ability to pick easy, medium, or hard mode is really cool. The gameplay is very fun and also I enjoyed the little details such as the writings on the packages. 

Thank you :)

You should be able to move around the area if you use either the arrow keys or the A, S, D, W keys.