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A member registered Feb 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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HI hannah -  You need to allow fullscreen on your game. Also I dont seem to be able to restart - the restart button is not visible in current end screen?

Good effort - I'm not sure of the gameplay objectives here in terms of scoring and the end of game. It could benefit from a start screen and lives and challenges for the play experience...

REally good Game Mykhailo!! Very good end to end game experience and good theme throughout!!!

I am finding it diffcult to navigate the game - what are the controls to use? Instruction screen would be useful. Diffficult to understand the full mechanics here... I can see you have a very good start to the game - it needs completion and refinement...

Cormac this is a great effort!! You charaacter movement, shooting and scoring mechanics are great!! Your game could do with a start screeen to explain buttons to use - your shooter button seems ineffective once enemies build up and there is not game over screen. Great effort!!!!!

Lovely design, buttons, character. Nice complete game implementation. Could maybe have been improved with more gameplay challenges like an enemy character or something a little extraa. Good work overall!!!!

Excellent Darragh! WEll done on bringing your original concept through from Ilustrated Graphics! Mechanics and gameplay is great - good complete game!!

Love the concept - original and really fun idea!!! Graphics to show score and maybe lives would help the player to understand the challenges better. Looking forward to seeing your next game!!

Really good game, with comprehensive gameplay! Original concept!! Some simple instructions might help to begin with!!

Excellent work in such a short time Sinead!! Really good!! Would love to see what you could do with your 3D game!!!

REally good game - and very good gameplay elements here!!! Challenging to get through the scene. The game would be improved by a start screen and some instructions perhaps?

This game lacks game play challenges like getting scores when you hit hte ice blocks or getting killed or losing a life when you get hit by a box...? Is it unfinished?