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mari cece

A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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love the vibe, super creative take on a story based game

amazing. horrible to look at in the best way. I accidentally pressed space while looking at the bed and skipped the first day, then spent most of the time after that driving recklessly. i walked off the edge of the world and drowned but was saved by the competitive nature of an npc. i love it.

the intro text thing was actually a bug i encountered early on but i loved it and it felt right for the game so i kept it. glad someone was impatient enough to find it! :)

very thought-provoking. i really appreciated how lightweight the exposition was while still painting a vivid picture. enough key details sown throughout to get the idea across, but not so much that the player/reader isn't free to imagine their own specifics. the actual setup is incredibly simple and easy but leaves so much room for reflection.

got rejected by billy the possum :( 

I'm not sure how, but I think I won? Looks super cool though, interested in how this develops. Love those funky little worm (fish?) fellas

this has some beginners guide vibes and i love it. the soundtrack is great! I also love how it looks so cohesive, the assets and art all look like they were made for this project. what a nice (and eerie) little walk :)

this has some beginners guide vibes and i love it. the soundtrack is great! I also love how it looks so cohesive, the assets and art all look like they were made for this project. what a nice (and eerie) little walk :)

Rana got that drip

also the swinging from the tongue mechanic is so much fun

I always loved that episode. I didn't even try the ritual but I'm very intrigued and I'm sure I'll be back for more. Interesting concept, and executed well. Great job!

I always loved that episode. I didn't even try the ritual but I'm very intrigued and I'm sure I'll be back for more. Interesting concept, and executed well. Great job!

Thanks! Teritium looks super cool btw, makes me wish I had Windows but alas I am stuck with macbook for the time being.

thanks for letting me know. I changed it so it should be better, but stuff is still getting cut off so I'll look into that more later.

I guess in my excitement to finish the game I didn't include much in the way of instructions but basically you just have to click around until you find all the memories (or spoiler: you can just attack the same memory multiple times because I had trouble managing gameobjects across scenes lol)

At the risk of sounding overly-emotional I have to admit I nearly cried playing this game. The parking lot scene made my chest hurt with a weird feeling of longing. I did not think I would find transcendence in an abandoned shopping mall and yet here we are. The graphics are simple but stunning. This game reminded me what it is I want to create in my own work and what I want to make others feel. An absolute gem, I would highly recommend this one.

Wow this is so polished! Simple but very clean and fun to play. Love the film noir style :)

I love this essay and the way you walk the player through it. I initially thought Clint was kind of a creep because of his interactions with Emily, but now I feel like he was given an unfair hand. I'm sure it wasn't intentional but now its hard to ignore. He deserves a better character arc. Fat characters deserve better, and we deserve more fat characters. We deserve to see ourselves reflected in the media we consume, even if (especially if) we aren't thin, white, or pretty. Thank you for sharing this

cutest game with the best pups! I love them all! one weird thing (spoilers I guess?) when I found Finn, the last "pup" in the book, the floor kind of disappeared?? not sure if it was a glitch or an Easter egg of sorts for finding the special pup but either way, no big deal. plus I got to see Finn in all his toothless grumpy glory.

finally got all the animals! such a cute and relaxing game

so cute! and I love the sound design

yeah I'm on the run from the authorities (just kidding, it was for my parent's work) thank you for playing!

space cafe caught my interest. I really like this approach to the text only format.

I love the art style and the fact that it's written in rhyme, very creative!

thank you so much