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A member registered Aug 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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The Linux version works just fine (x64)

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Well, the game is made in Unity so it should not be that big of a problem.

I also tried WINE, but that left everything very dark.

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If it has a CPU, someone will figure out how to play Doom on it. You are on right track.

I do hope next build will fix it, as my monitor is 16:10, playing with black bars is not something I fully enjoy.

I do have a minor fix patch to fix some alignment of town names. But I do not plan to expand this game further. (However, the universe will definitely get expanded), currently I'm working on another game for grow jam, expect that in a few days.

I will most likely use TIC-80 as well.

Thank you for feedback! Z to exit trade screen added!

I'll add current amount of money to shop screen, why didn't I do it... I kinda forgot.

As far as not fun... thanks for feedback!

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Noted, I will add message with controls on start and on first time you enter city.

EDIT: Made some improvements, is it clear now?

I have the Shield Tablet, it works there just fine. (For any people in the future)