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A member registered Jan 25, 2021

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(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply.I have a completely different opinion actually,but what I can do... I don't believe in "the lack of freedom" I don't believe in fate,I don't believe in "God",for me they no make sense;it's just the easier way to take for give us a reason of what we do and what we can do. Im of idea that sad and bad ending make sad and worst the people that witness it... Maybe I'm wrong.or maybe not. I think I am but I dunno. I find hard chance your minds so I will not try... People have different opinion... "I hate from the bottom of my heart" I ll hardly can forget this phrase.... Beh I finished bye. 

(2 edits)

I fell disturbed after playing this game:I don't see why you created a such contorted story.A story,that even if it's only fiction,technically says: "I don't want exist". You put your characters in a such horrible place, with a chain to their necks, character that literally hate you:" I hate you,from the bottom of my heart"; seriously? Why? I can't understand... Why you created a story so strange,so absurd,so impossible,so... Cursed so contorted? Honestly, and sorry to you,please don't feel offended; I find it really disturbed: you create an horrible story that probably, I suppose it's autobiographical... In some way... But still I can't understand why only me find this,wrong and disturbing... Yeah disturbing, like a bad horror story.Why nobody it's affected to find this works simple disturbing?... La "Divina commedia" I always found it frightening: the hell,all those people condanned for eternity in pain;even if just fiction it always scares me... Same for Greeks tragedies and for horror story.... I know it's false,I know it's fake I know it's fiction... But it frighten me anyway... I can't understand why you,but not only you, don't feel sick to witness at these stories. Why only me? I don't see why you created this game. I would know...why?  Why I'm the lone who feel disguted from these kind of work? Why was you not feeling sick making this thing? I can't understand, but I'm the only one...

-at least put a good ending on it- 

Ahh.... Ok so that was my opinion... I hope I didn't offense you,it was not my intention you have to believe me...i... Simply you ruined my day with this... My calm day with this "disturbing " thing    eeehf

Well as I said that was my opinion,... A drop of water in a sea of hydrochloric acid... This it's how I see.