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A member registered Feb 27, 2021

Recent community posts

ahhh I've been binging through superstition and decided to try your other games out. i adore this demo!! writing about trauma (esp the aftermath of traumatic events) is a hard thing to pin down but it can be so healing when done right. i love what i've seen so far. started with zarik but then went through all the other routes and i love how each one is unique, really sets up for a lot of replayability. i feel for MC so much and im so looking forward to reading the rest of their journey. thank you for your writing!

I've heard of ATOC for the longest time in the IF community but only now finally got around to playing it. I'm in love! The world building seems so alive and I'm having a hard time choosing between ROs. Romancing X as a shy and timid crown is incredibly fun though <3

Hi, love the game. I'm so confused on how to progress though. Where are you supposed to go after finishing the Northern Gulch area with the blacksmith? The guide says to head east, but I'm not finding any new areas

Your writing is so immersive! It really takes the time to let the reader glimpse into the characters' emotions. Really interested in seeing how the Rohan stuff plays out

don't know if you guys still need this, but I unlocked it by having Yoshi choose to stay on the Barakai instead of the Razha when Kol asks