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A member registered Nov 01, 2015

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Thank you. I’m approaching it from a different perspective than most people I think. My thing is generic. I’m trying to support every combination I can think of instead of just making a few scenes right now.

Hi, I really like these. They feel very warm. I’m working on some pixel shaders using tile maps to learn more shader stuff and these are just what I needed for this perspective.

Do you have any images showing how to use the open doors/doorways with the wall tiles? Door frame + closed door on top of a wall texture looks good, but I’m not sure how to get another image inside an open doorway or the partially open door without it extending past the door on the sides or the wall texture sticking inside the door. I could combine the door frame and the wall texture in aseprite, but I feel like there is something I’m missing to use the tiles as they are.

Thanks for making these pay what you want too. I’m completely broke right now and it really helps to have nicely made art to use until I can get back on my feet and come back to pay later.

This just inspired me to make a Japanese/Latin pixel font. Fonts would be a cool idea for a pixel asset jam theme. Like either a full ascii codepage or at least basic ascii + the main characters for one other locale.