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A member registered Jan 11, 2023

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you have to be a girl and then basically interact with japan every chance you get until she starts liking you and try to like gift her things as much as possible too lmao

np x3

so basically interact with Italy as if you were trying to get the normal Italy ending then I forgot which day it was but when u can go to talk to Sweden and Finland after school go to them and if it says you feel watched than it’s working then just interact with others until you get to the break where Canada is in the club hallway, America is I think in the hallway or the yard? Russia at the trash cans and Finland in the class hallway whoever you talk to at that part will go missing then make it to Monday of week 2 and write a love letter to someone then that should trigger the ending sorry that it’s not that detailed

its just a short dating sim its not too long each day is prob about like 10-20 mins long? idk prob more near to 10

basically spend as much time with italy as possible but when you can go to other students and if it says it feels like you're being watched then just get all the way to monday and write a love letter for aby of the main 4 characters it pisses italy off and he kills whatever character you confess to lmfao then he basically confesses to you in the class hallway

(1 edit)

sooo i had a idea that i thought was cool what if yandere italy could interfere with denmarks ending? idk i just had that idea and also a recomendation for a new character maybe norway? but idk i love your game tho 

nvm sorry i didnt see that you werent working on this game anymore