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A member registered Oct 11, 2016

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(2 edits)

Watched Vinesauce play this months back but just got round to playing it myself. Probably the most atmospheric horror games I've ever played. The visual polish and Annihilation-esque sound design are phenomenal. The only criticisms I have are:

- That the animation was very stiff and rudimentary at times (the deer, the guy's fingers, the aliens, especially the giant one doing a static pose in the light at the end) and as brief as they were, when the visuals are so realistic, they kinda take you out of it.

- No HDR support. I forced it via the usual Unreal ini tweak and it worked almost perfectly but the screen space shaders don't look right (noise, lens flare and bloom are all way too strong). Would be nice to have official support because this game's lighting is perfect for it.

- The aliens come off as kinda goofy and generic, juxtaposed against the thick and mysterious atmosphere. Something more creative (as in Annihilation, Arrival, etc.) would be more interesting. The Lost smoke monster thing was more interesting than the actual aliens.

But the atmosphere was so good that as long as you can keep it up, I will continue to play for that alone.