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A member registered Jun 15, 2020

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Wow! this was incredible! I took wild stabs at some non-blood relatives, some clues I discovered that were immediately 'useless' as i had figured the relevant part out earlier some other way, other times I missed obvious clues and so got nowhere. Hell, in the end I knew what was in the locked section before i found a single piece of information on Jim's children; information i could have found 6 hours earlier. 

it took me ~8 hours to do, and i probably should have gone to sleep halfway through (its well over 4am as I'm finished), but i loved every minute of it. Extremely well made

(1 edit)

I died once in-game and basically died several times irl with how scary it felt. Great game!

This is by far the strangest game i have ever played, and i loved every second of it