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A member registered Mar 11, 2022

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Hello David, thanks for your response! Nvidia NIS is activated on my system, but I still can't activate it in the games settings. But I can activate Nvidia DLSS which must be a bug because my GTX 1070 doesn't support it.... so there is something wrong. :(  This is the first game I have a problem, I hope you find out what's causing this bug and bring out an update. I love the game!!  

So I am not the only one... But in my case it was because of a technical problem. I can't activate NVIDIA NIS in the settings. When I click on it nothing happens. Without it I have extreme stutters. GTX 1070 / i7-8700. So I send Adam an email. No response. I send another email. No response. So yeah, I don't know what's going on. Very worried about the game and sad, because the game is really amazing! 

I think the game will not be finished. I bought the game and can't play it because I can't activate Nvidia NIS in the settings. I've send an email to Adam but I'm getting no response. I'm very disappointed, I thought he cares about the game and the people who supports him. 

great game but fov way too high! please add the option to change it.