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A member registered Jun 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi! When you go through the vent into the 'mixing colors'-type room, from the kitchen, there's a vent with light shining through. I don't remember if I had to use the arrows to turn the camera angle, maybe. It should be there, but I don't think there's much of the purpose to it. Cool room though, it was a nice touch!

No problem! Thanks for watching as well! I just didn't want to sound pushy with my opinion. But absolutely! I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining, it was fun!

As for the last level, I'm glad I wasn't just missing something obvious! Haha That's a cool way of doing it though, if you do, do a 'Chapter 2', I will definitely be playing it!

Sorry for the late response as well, haven't been on my PC much lately. Have a great night (if it is night there haha)!

Hi! Hope I'm using this comment section correctly... I forgot to mention, I did a video of your game recently. I sucked at figuring some things out, but I had fun playing it! You don't have to watch the video or anything, just wanted to show my opinions (not that my feedback should matter haha). Would definitely play more games from Octogear! Only problem I had (stupid question really), was figuring out the room with the four 'Easter Egg' paintings. Was there a room after that??