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A member registered Dec 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Title: Pair Flat Doesn't recognize nearby Gym  Read edit under image.

Maybe related to the previous bug, or maybe my misunderstanding. Does the gym need to be closer?

After a few more minutes, I realize that indeed the gym needs to be closer.
I think this should be adjusted, especially for the "Very Easy" level. Number of flats accessing the amenities should also be included in the calculation, not just the nearness the amenity.

I'm really enjoying the game. I think it has a lot of potential.
Except for bugs, I'm going to reserve my input until I've had a little more time to play around with the game.

Thanks for making this! I look forward to future updates.

I noticed something interesting. Don't know if it is intentional or if you just haven't gotten to it yet.
The cars all go in the same direction, with what looks like the cars on one side of the road going backwards.

One aspect of the animation, when the game is in pause mode, it would be visually appealing if the cars and people would freeze in place.
Not a requirement, but would be nice. I think keeping them at the same animation speed on all of the un-paused speeds is the right choice though.

Otherwise, it looks really nice. I let you know if anything else pops out at me later.

Title: Long Student Housing window - bug

I found that sometimes, but not always, the long student housing will show that it doesn't have window light, yet it actually does.
This is on the first game level, when stacking them beside each other, the center ones seem to not register the window light.
It might be because of the side of the building it is on?
I include screen shots of the issue and where it doesn't happen on the same building.

Cool game so far though!