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A member registered Jan 29, 2023

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(2 edits)

where do i even begin... the fact this game was made with a time constraint is impressive, i agree wholeheartedly with what the previous commenter wrote. the art style is very unique and i appreciate the fact you could use special characters & non-latin in the naming screen... most of the time i have to write my english name instead of my native name because i can't use non-latin characters... QwQl

also i'm glad the battles weren't extremely difficult, because i'm not the best at combat & i lose quite easily... they were difficult enough to keep me on my toes but not TOO difficult, and thus i could make progress without getting stuck for weeks. but if you're the kind of person who can easily win battles you may find it a bit boring :P

i loved the game, if you're looking at the comments to consider whether you should play it, it's not that long and it's really fun, so yeah i definitely recommend it!








also i didn't expect that plot twist at the end! the bad ending made me feel incredibly sad for venom :( but i enjoyed learning their backstory and exploring