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A member registered Feb 24, 2019

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Omw to rizz wingdings 🏃‍♀️

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... wow. 

what a journey!

Underswap never had been my favorite au, I often would just go past it, but your IFs are my actual favorite passtime to read, so I gave it a try.

And boy I'm so glad I did! I usually go W.D route first, always, but this time I decided to give Papyrus one a shoot, just to be graced with the wingdings message all along the way in a smooth reminder I'd have to replay for my favorite skely boy. 

Paps route is super fun, super chill, I crave more of this cozy feelings in any future extra/bonus scenes you may add!

But W.D route? Woah. Just woah. You got me feral here, my sweet protective crazy scientist, how much I adore how you write him, underfell him is amazing, mafiafell my favorite, but this one? Such a sweet surprise, all his scenes got me giggling and smiling like a fool, thank you for this, his notes with paps and sans are also really, really, wholesome. (Also pass 1 sounds fun!)

Thank you for this game! ♡

i did sans, flowey/asriel, and wingding routes, my favorite one is surely wingding, even if the funnier/the one I thought it got better plot route to read is sans, especialy the hall part! Amazing bonus scenes as well for all 3 ♡

I'm playing this for the first time, doing wingding route and omfg what was the ending of this chapter (7)?! my first time playing a if and its so well written! You sneaky hidden text are the best, really, looking foward for more!