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Wolf Rayet

A member registered 62 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! (escape key is used to open the inventory, I ran out of time to make a proper tutorial T^T but i'll be continuing development for this project and work on more projects too!)

:D thank you!

oh i LOVE getting disoriented. one of my hobbies is looking at those optical illusions that make the world look like it's zooming in :) this may cause motion sickness in other people, but i have the opposite of motion sickness. i love being in motion.

i followed a tutorial by GameMaker Casts "Simple Lighting System in GameMaker Studio 2" and yeah my game broke on the last day so i ran out of time to do the tutorial properly and i ended up just using the temp method i made on the 4th day lol. You have two press enter on two differnt herbs in the inventory to assign them to the crafter, then press enter on the empty space below the herbs in the crafter, then assign the resulting potion to 1, 2, 3, or 4. Very convoluted, def going to workshop how to make it more intuitive. I really like this project and I think i'll keep working on it and turn it into a roguelike maybe? idk. I'm glad you enjoyed running from the enemies :D

what a lovely game! I played too long and now everything looks like it's spinning haha 10/10