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A member registered Jul 23, 2023

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The term “willing creature” is doing a LOT of heavy lifting. Is ANY creature that is willing a mount? Like, elephants or giants or ancient old gods? Imagine a charger using Cthulhu as a mount. Perhaps “medium-sized riding animal” would be better.

Great image, what manuscript is it from? I like the idea of a beast that gets more attacks the longer it is alive, but in play does it last long enough to get more than a few attacks? I would imagine it to be something all the players would immediately focus fire upon to kill it before it becomes unmanageable. 

That ring is super overpowered—two effects, one of which can be invisibility? Definitely unbalanced. I like the section on designing a random barrow, but the requirement to have a certain grid of numbered rooms is too rigid. Just assume barrows will have as many rooms as players can explore in a single game night and prepare more rooms for backups if exploration goes faster.