I have the same problem. I bought the game via itch.io but since I live in germany, the game does not show up due to steams missing age verification.
Is there a chance to get a key for steam for users who bought the game on this site here?
Maybe I am a bit stupid, but one question:
I bought the game season 1 via itch.io.
Where do I buy the season 2 game? Is it included? Via an other page?
I have no clue right now tbh.
Where do I buy the season 2 game? Is it included? Over an other page?
I have no clue right now.
Vielen Dank für die Info, das wusste ich tatsächlich noch nicht!
If I buy the game here on itch.io, do I get a steam key?
could you provide me with a steam key of the free DLC please?
German player, bought your game but can not add the dlc due to crappy shop age verification.
Do we get a steam key, once we buy the game?
In Germany we can not buy the game via store due to Steams crappy age verification method (ok, in fact they don't provide one and that is the problem).
Thank you!
Is there a chance to get a steam key? I purchased it but it us not listed in my country.