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A member registered Feb 18, 2023

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HI!! this is awesome, as always, but i really want to compliment the soundtrack again. your games are awesome narratively/mechanically/artistically but the soundtracks are equally impressive imo and i wish they got more attention.

bittersweet blythe's tracks are on my "repeat for 3 days straight" playlist rotation and i listen to them doing everything from making dinner to reading to just vibing. the hostage ost's is just as good and a super interesting evolution. i especially love the guitar and vocals that creep in the lullaby mix and the catchy vocal hook and synth in popcorn mix. i love how grungy and cinematic some tracks are while others have super funky beats and wall of sound layers. vocal picks are incredible, as always, and i love your stereo mixes <3333

WAH BA BADUH WAH BA BADAYA club banger forever stuck in my head, ty xo 

is there a way to adjust the voice volume by character? :o

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girl help im now plagued with the unending imaginative scenarios of ais, vere, and leander. the art on this is so goddamn tasty. the dialogue is the spaghetti those dogs ate in the alleyway. every time i see kuras' nose i gain five years of life. also ais/vere/mc poly when pls god im beg

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everyone...i love this game so much. i just had a special gummy so let's all just buckle up before i feel too weird about this. spoiler free!!! :)

this game had me missing my active discord days. like, everyone's still there, we all still are in the same servers, but we all busy. had to deal with life. moved. lost someone and had to take a step back. etc etc. i'm biased i KNOW but this game hits my soul in such an interesting way that i don't really know how to fully describe yet. babes i'm going to be thinking about this one for years.

i can tell a lot of work was put into this from people who spend time in that space. that weird little discord space on the internet that makes you check your phone during work or class and start a hundred dumb inside jokes. everyone knows a xyx. everyone's met a nightowl or an onion, but they're not caricatures, they're done lovingly and with intent.

this is probably the third game i've kept all the sound and voices on for. i really, really, REALLY love the music, especially Logging Off, Chilltalk, Please Don't Go, and Let's Goooo. at first i was just going to write how much i like having literally any track on in the bg for 12 hours, but when i went to find my favs, i was super impressed at how they all connect in some way, whether it's instrument, motif, progression, etc. a lot of them have different main percussion that make it easier to remember what you're listening to.

each track is distinct and conveys a different emotion, but never sounds out of place. even the stuff that comes out of left field works well  (maybe a didgeridoo in brb restart?? which might be a nod to xyx????? if so ily)

plot (spoiler-free)
listen don't be a little goblin like me and go straight for xyx. or maybe do, whatever. but go do quest and nightowl after that and only THEN nakedtoaster. it would have been so easy to just have the same story for each route but we got actual plot here, folks. we got INTRIGUE! we got CONFLICT! we got CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! slurp it up mama MIA pizzaria hooWEE!!!!!

10/10 welcome to post bloonini life, traveler

this is one of the few if's i made an all out pinterest board for. babes i don't even use pinterest but i'm still here going back for new routes. (marge voice) i just think it's your ability to create such interesting and diverse characters with realistic viewpoints and conviction and your amazing flow of dialogue+descriptions neat.