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A member registered Jan 06, 2017

Recent community posts

Actually, getting set up now to run it for my tabletop gaming Discord tomorrow evening and wanted to check in with you. Do you have any freely accessible character creation rules, for sharing with the people who will be playing? Mostly I'd think the Traits/Roles need to be publicly accessible. If not, would you have any issue with those elements being copy/pasted for the group to be able to reference during character creation?

This looks like an absolute blast and I can't wait to try it out. It does something I've often thought about with PbtA (that you could roll with just the stock "do something dangerous" move and toss everything else in the bin) and mixes it with Fate Accelerated/Condensed Approaches in a really clever and seamless-looking way.

That's all, for now - just blind praise and excitement at giving this one a go!

Saw this on Greenlight, saw that we got Steam keys if we bought it here first, came and threw money at the screen. Have "completed" (read: died on) a few runs now, and think it's off to a really solid start. A few quality of life requests:

  • Adjustable mouse sensitivity
  • Ability to exit out of all menus with a single key (e.g. Esc) instead of reaching over to tap "i" again
  • Rebindable keys (less of a concern, admittedly - but again, reaching over to hit "i" is less than convenient)
  • Text is a little hard to read (though this may be caused by the resolution, which I know you folks are already working on)
Those aside, I'm REALLY enjoying the game so far, and look forward to seeing how it develops!