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A member registered Dec 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oh! Wow, thank you for the kind review. It really made my day!

That’s a neat idea. I can look into it but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to pull it off. In the meantime, feel free to edit the existing furniture, which can be found in the “img/characters” folder. 

That sounds like fun! Please do!

Loved it! Really cool aesthetic and I liked the multiple endings. Good job!

Your writing style is really charming! Had fun with this one. Great job!

Windows only for now, sorry! RMMV doesn't play well with non-Windows OS, unfortunately. But thank you for the kind words!

Thank you for the kind review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm gonna squash that bug but I'm glad it helped raise the game's score!

Wow, this is so encouraging to read! Thank you so much for playing. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with it!

Another great game! Cute, funny, and charming. I loved it!

Awesome game! I really love the pixel art and it's got a great sense of humor.