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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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(1 edit)

YOOOOO So I ended up playing this game right, and I thought hey man wouldn't it be cool to like yah know play the game with your dick out or sumthin? Like a furry dick and build shit like mine craft? but I went into the game right. Tried the fuck my dude friend but got lost in a children's card game. To be frank I lost, I think it was telling me I was bad at sex or something, but hey man as long as my dude is satisfied. I looked at my shadow, and noticed I had no ears but had a butt plug for a tail.  I spent the first 20 minutes of the game just looking at my dick, and falling asleep. Then a fox that sounded like cortona from halo having a hissy fit coming at me. The first one was a chump stood atop of it like a MLG player, but the secound one was like a literal god, couldn't hit it or anything, but sure put me in my place.