8 fps or around 125ms for the water tile
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Hey Drako, i'm really glad you're liking the asset so far!
in summary it works like that:
Free version: you can freely use this version for any non commercial project and i don't have any problems with open sources type of projects as long you add credits for the original asset page.
Paid version: You can use it with any commercial or non commercial project, but you may not redistribute the asset in any way, so if the assets are available in any other source which isn't the official asset page or sources with permission for it, it is not allowed.
I'm not quite sure about what you mean by layout design of the level scenes, but currently the asset has enough tiles and props to fully decorate an forest scenario. Also you can expand the Z-axis as much as you like with the recent update of ramps and stairs, as long with cave entrances and dirt roads, which can lead to dungeons and other locations.
The level design itself is up to whatever the dev wants it to be, but you can find an .ase file inside the asset who serves as a sort of mockup on how you could organize the different layers and objects inside the scene.
I made these fonts for the game studio i work for , it works well with a lot of pixel art themes and i took advantage of it to draw the letterings on the asset image.
I would have to make a different version of it if i ever plan to make it available, but that's a possibility for the future.
(You can find it being used on the game Raiders Of Valhalla on Steam, i'm currently working on the UI/UX aspects of the game and the fonts were made pretty much exclusively for it)
Yes, you can't redistribute the asset because that would destroy my product, as you could get it for free somewhere else.
But it's possible to discuss a standalone version of the asset for educational use, my asset has been used before for the same reason (check None's Class RPG series)
Send me a message at Discord: lukethepolice if you're interested to discuss the idea.
Thanks! Yeah it's rather common for artists to flip one of animations to work on both sides instead of animating two separate ones, this is a quick fix by now so i can focus more on new future animations, but i do plan to make unique left side animations sometime on the future.
Let me know if you have any other complains or suggestions about the asset, and i hope it will fit greatly into your final degree work!
Opa, Sim claro, se você possui a versão paga do asset você pode usar elas em jogos comerciais como base e até expandir dentro do próprio estilo.
Oque você não pode fazer é revender o asset do jeito que está ou modificado, mas o uso em jogos comerciais é liberado sim, essa é a ideia da licença paga.
E também não tem problema usar eles como inspiração para fazer um asset seu se quiser, contanto que não seja nada feito por cima do que já existe e sim uma inspiração.
Fico feliz que tenha gostado! qualquer dúvida mais a fundo você pode me contatar pelos links disponíveis no meu perfil
Hey! I'm glad you're liking the asset so far, thanks!
The asset don't have any ramps or stairs so far because i didn't really designed the asset to have different levels of depths which the player can walk on. ( as you can see the top of the high walls don't have any grass textures, they are flat. )
But i do plan to add 3D locomotion for the asset soon, stairs, ramps, props and objects to be used on them, and different ways to get there too. stay tuned for new updates!
Hey, Thanks for using the asset, i hope it is being useful for you!
About the donations, as long as the project is not primarily meant to generate income ( Paid, micro transactions and etc) i have no problem with you being able to receive donations, you can use the asset for sure.
But if you plan to have the assets in the final version (paid one) i would recommend you to buy the paid version of the asset to get the licensing and the other paid exclusive content, but that's just the case if you're using my assets in a paid game, there's no problem about using it as a temporarily placeholder or it being present in demo's or any other free to play media.
If you have any other questions don't forget to send me a message, and good luck with your project!
It makes total sense to have a free version!
Obviously you'll have to pay to use on commercial projects, but it's also cool to have a free version where people can test the tileset and use on a variety of different ways, the most obvious ones being gamejams, personal projects or simple a way to test the tileset before buying the full version.
I just played it!, very solid concept for a game, nowadays vampire survivors-like and roguelikes are very popular, if you want to build a full game in the future i really suggest to keep pushing on those genres.
Also, you always should use assets with a similar resolution, all the pixels in the game have to be the same size. For instance: Maybe if you scale a 16x16 sprite to fit the same size of a 32x32, it would look as each pixel in the 16x16 are twice as bigger than the 32x32 sprite, and this can make your game loose artistic consistency, but that's just a small tip from a artist xD
I'm very glad you liked my asset!
I'm pretty much done with the next update, this time featuring some lightlamps, torches and other light sources.
I've been on vacation this last week visiting a friend, that's why there's nothing new yet, but i'm finally home and can start it again. You can expect the next update somewhere next week!
WARNING - This is for those who played the demo version before launching the full game ( itch.io version or steam version )
The Demo is a very outdated version of the game, so, you need to delete the save files in:
Appdata/Local/Astronium first
Or else, you are going to experience a error every time you try to launch the game.