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A member registered Jan 17, 2022

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ohhh ya muchisima gracias 

Hi, I have version 0.25. I don't know if it's outdated, but my last scene with Anastasia is the blowjob and when I sleep, nothing happens, not even when I go to Anastasia for the blowjob scene. I return home and sleep.

Hello again, yes, I already have the scene of anadtasia giving the number, but not the one where the date is being prepared in a message. I only have the first message from Rin when he meets Pepito and the two messages from Ben when Cloy hits Rin and now When I go to the disco, he only repeats the scene when Anastacia gives a blowjob to the owner of the disco and he only repeats that one and when I sleep, nothing happens.

hello i have a problem with a scene and i am following the guide and there is a part where i have to ask for anastacia's number and then go to the house and from there a scene was going to come out so that rex and anatacia have the date but now I have the number but he didn't repeat the scene and when I return to the club he only repeats Anastacia's sex scene with the head of the club