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A member registered Dec 02, 2018

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yep, everythings all good now, at least from what i could tell. 

thats fair. its def more advanced than anything i could do, lol.

i cant really think of anything fitting, but i appreciate the offer. im happy i could help. 

managed to get through the mansion. got a missing file error for audio/bgm/Dungeon%202.ogg but could ignore it and continue on. 

giving one of the kids a berry for the worms, got an error for img/charracters/monster1.png. bypassed it by copying one of the other sprite sheets to keep testing. 

theres no collision on the wall behind the boy next to the pawnshop, allowin you to climb up the wall some. 

the lockpicking minigame is really cool. the one with the cross in the middle seems bugged tho. have to do it a certain way that doesnt follow the logic. theres some odd order of operations logic to the one with the gap and switch on the right too. 

trying to go back to the base, i get an img/parallaxes/ground58.png.

the bugs are honestly pretty minor (so please dont feel discouraged), and i really enjoy the characters, dialogue and world building so far. i like how many nooks n crannies have coins n items in them. 

it happens lol. now img/characters/cus_actions1.png is missing though.

getting a loading error, img/tilesets/tileC_HOUSE.png

its not in the download