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A member registered Jul 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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did you find the solution to this problem? i downloaded it a short time ago and if you have the solution please pass it on because it is bad when using texts.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry, but if it does not work in winxp it's because I use a new version, but it must work for that system, and the reason why I did a reconstruction of the project because it gave me many serious problems in the game that I could not advance the project and only one was to change to another version to have less fatigue.

New update, does not have much content like the old project since there were many problems and I had to change the gamemaker version to improve the game, it contains a level so that they do not tell me why it is short, but if it takes me a long time change some mechanics, so see you until the next update friends and I hope you like this ALPHA.
PD: be coherent in the suggestions and not insult, I will pay attention to the messages


Nuevo update, no tiene mucho ontenido como el antiguo proyecto ya que hubo muchos problemas y tuve que cambiar de version de gamemaker para mejorar el juego,  contiene un nivel para que no me digan de porque esta corto, pero si me tarde mucho en cambiarle algunas mecanicas, asi que nos vemos hasta la proxima actualizacion amigos y espero les guste este ALPHA.
PD: sean coherentes en las sugerencias y no insultar , yo pondre atencion alos comentarios

How nice that you liked it :) And sorry for the errors in the game :,c

Hi, would you like to try out my project in development? owo
Here the link: https://r-02zetatheharrier.itc...

And i do not know what is your name xdddd