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Lucas Picerni

A member registered Jul 02, 2019

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Other suggestions:

1 - Implemenentation of an "Environment" field in the creatures sheet, as well as the possibility to search for this field in the creature menu (as it is already possible to filter by CR and type);

2 - Import compatibility of the "Environment" field of FC5;

3 - Ability to delete or rename the app's default sounds;

4 - Import compatibility of FC5 "Skills" and "Saves" fields (currently the epicGM only imports the first skill or save and ignores the following);

5 - Implementation of an "NPCs" menu (I have been making my NPCs in the creature menu, but it would be easier to manage in an individual menu).

Thank you!

(1 edit)

It worked! Thank you for your help! And I'd like to make a small suggestion: the application does not support the letter 'ç' or accents like '~', when you use it, it changes the font to a much larger one. It would be great if it were not so! Once again, thank you! :D

Hi! Is there any way to clean up my entire compendium before importing an XML? I speak portuguese, so I made my own compendium on my language, but when importing I get almost all the creatures repeated, in two languages. And there is no way to select them to delete in a group, so it would be very hard to delete them one by one. Thank you!