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Lucas le caribou

A member registered Dec 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you i spent a lotta time to make it looking "good"

yea the only one lol

no problem enjoy ;)

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scroll down or ctrl f and search "fake crab game lol.rar"

it's already avalaible

(1 edit)

lol you're right the game is a little bit broken there's a way to avoid bugs but it's complicated

ah ah thank you ;)  not really proud of that game kinda broken but anyways it seems your video is in french and i can understand french i'm gonna watch it

i added it just now

i’m currently fixing a lot of bugs ant it requiers so much time so ill do it in the next few days

ok thank you for the suggestion

ok i note it it's already fix on my editor but i'll publish it later. thank you for rewiew

ok i'll try but red light green light actually works it only makes your game crash when you move at the wrong moment

don't ask too much xd. but what do you mean by it doesn't work?

beautiful game even if i didn't test it