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A member registered May 29, 2020

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After an intense day of hard working, I just had a 30mn session on the quest version.... and let me say that it is by far one of the most beautiful visual I ever saw, and I'm a massive fan of music visualization.

I never thought that someday, someone would create this kind of experience.

You did, and I'd like to express my eternal gratitude.

I love it !!!

And yes !!! you made it !!!  It works !!!

I'm relaxed, in the real world.

Thanks, thanks, and thanks again...

Hi Dimitri,

I wondered, if buying the PC version will allow me to download the Quests versions in the future ?

It's a very beautiful app, thanks a lot !!!

I wondered if you plan to add the possibility to play our own songs on it.... I would love it.

Do you plan to synchronize the music with the visualization ?

That would make this app incredible.

There is a 32€ asset for unity, I'm ready to pay it for you if you plan to add such a functionality (if it's not too much work to do of course).

Anyway, it's a wonderful app, so thank you, thank you and thank you again !!!

And I loved the message inside the app, this was a wonderful idea !!!

Peace !!!
