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A member registered Mar 20, 2019

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Had a blast with this game! even tho i raged quit lol. games fun and different. scares got me good. ran into a bug where i would hit the customer with a box and they grabbed me and i was stuck couldnt move they ran away and i died.  gonna try and run it back! thanks for the fun game! 

This game was really good haven't played a point and click like this in a very long time. it gave me chills and was very creepy. They way you placed the snow man in certain places was good it got me good lol. who would have thought a snow man would be  so scary lol. There is a bug where you alt tab out the game and it doesn't let you click back in the game. all and all this game was great thanks for the experience! 

I loved every second of this. this game starts off like nothing is gonna happen in the world... thats the problem lol. ive never been so creeped out playing a game just feeling like something is behind and watching you. would highly suggest playing this.