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A member registered Oct 29, 2022

Recent community posts

Hello, the video presentation of your work on YouTube looks great, but I still have a few questions to ask. I would be very grateful if you could answer them.
When I tried to try out the demo version of Windows 11, it showed that I couldn't connect to the remote server. Has this issue been resolved on the paid version.
2. Has the Steam been launched? If Steam has been listed and I still cannot find it, then I have to say that it is prohibited by Chinese law and cannot be found.
So I would like to confirm if the issue of 'unable to connect to the server' has been resolved on the paid version, and if a definitive response is received. (In cases where I cannot purchase through Steam, I will pay through credit card)

oh,now i solved this problem,may be the game hate me  before.(hahahaha!).Anyway,thank you very  much.

Oh,i mean ,i checked the chinese option before ,and now all the buttons are in the blank state, so i can't click the button to switch back to other languages.  So now  I want to ask where the language pack in the folder is .I check english in the folder.(thank)

hello,please tell me where you put the language in the folder .Chinese can't be used .Now I can't adjust the language in the game.