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A member registered Mar 25, 2023

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Almost eleven reminds me of my own story, the story flows similarly but the context of the story were different. In the beginning, I thought you were my long lost friend for a moment.

I had a best friend I dearly loved and even until today, there's still a place in my heart that can never let them go. They told me, I would forget about them within months, but it has been years and almost a decade now... 

They're ingrained in my memories like a timeless dream so vivid. 

They were the reason I'm pretty damn strong today, mentally. But it's also so lonely without them, as I'd share a lot of amazing stories with them, spill my whole self to them as they silently listened to my stories...

I tormented myself.

I wasn't a good person. I did a lot of bad things to them. I guess they taught me a very painful lesson of never taking people for granted. I took them for granted. I really miss them, but there's no way... to seek for forgiveness or provide an apology.

It's torture. But, I guess I don't really have a right- I really deserved it, but for how long? For the rest of my life? That's just too sad. I wasn't even an adult when it happened.

Your story brings back memories and a lot of emotions. Thanks, I enjoyed it. 

Not all monsters are wolves disguised as sheeps. Sometimes, they're bad because they don't know what's good. There wasn't anyone around them that taught them that. But that doesn't justify their actions either. In the end it comes down to ethics, morales and values.

I remember and I apologize every chance I get. I know they won't read it, but the very little chance of them coming across and reading it, even if it's a 0.01% chance, I'm testing it. Cause it was the same 0.01% that brought us together as friends. If it existed, perhaps it'll exists again? It's just my wishful desires. 

Do you have any plans to publish this software onto cloud? Similar to DALL-E and Midjourney?