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A member registered Oct 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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in a good or a bad way?
The progression in the real game is a little more gradual. this was just to introduce the new mechanics and give people a challenge in the demo.

Thanks, I woudl love to get it on playdate. got a test scene up and running over there but still loads of work. our game tapeworm and chew chew mimic are already on playdate will just take much more work to bring flea 1 and 2 over. Mabie one day

Its built-in NESmaker

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ye thats the one , i got up there just cant make that jump to the 2nd small block. ah just got it there, didn't realise u could jump to 2nd platform from the falling platform 

made it , 2h 27 41s

Fun game. I bought on catalog. stuck on a level where u have the grapple hook and others 2 small platforms at the top and a falling chain one between them lower. dono what to do, any clues? 

oh interesting. did it do that just before u took the screenshot? any idea what u did to make it happen ?

I think  we've had stuff like this before but if u die or reset the screen it should be ok after ?

HI, sorry to hear its not running for u . in what way is it not working?
there should be a bit play game button at the the top of this webpage that loads the game in the browser . 

if ur trying to play the download u will need an emualtor like messen to run the game rom 

In what way, there should be a run game button then press enter to start the game , u can remap the controls i the menu at the bottom of the game window

Love the game so far cant wait for more tracks. the switch button is a little confusing

Will be a stretch goal on the Kickstarter. Flea 1 and tapeworm are on switch, xbox, playstation as a combo called "Parasite pack" if u want a flea ix on switch :)

fun little nes puzzle game :)

Thanks man, let me know what u think of the new moon jump in the last 2 levels in the demo :)

Phase 2 of lowtek games, start selling wigs :P

Thanks , Glad you like it. Wasnt planning on an itch release but may happen at some point. Easyer to run sales on here and can include soundtrack, manual etc.
I think catalog is more convenient for auto updating but hadn't considered people just playing the games on sim.

hi the emulator is a little weird.  Iv not tried on win 11.  Is in center on win 10
if you press Esc you can toggle fullscreen. Or try compatability mode on the app or you can try using the rom an another emulator. Mesen is the one i use.

Thanks , realy glad u enjoyed the game  :)

Hi i assume you go the game off me at an event. I sent an email to your username for more info. :) if u bought the game on itch this is the page where u can donwload the nes rom and cdi.

thanks for the heads up,  dono if this broke with the sdk update. dont think it was like this before. will try and fix when we have time 

Awesome, was talkint to someon on gig about this. any chance of an andoid build?
Iv got a android smart projector and wana try it out. 
sadly its stuck on kitkat firmware so may need to target further back.

I just used audacity and the recomended wav format from playdate docs

hmm iv never ran it on mac sim before, its a windows toolchain we use so not sure how phesable it is to get a mac build running. sorry about that for now.

Hi, greate wee game.

not played vampire survivers yet but enjoying this.
already so polished but seems lackign on some areas since some is soo good already.
Death animations on enemies and mines/ damge states on mines. 
Id like to see the hit boxed tightend up a little, can hit head on enemies above too easly now and make it hard to dip and weve, give more head room as the characters are basicaly flat planes so colision shoud be roudn there feet/ bottom half more.

Also seems like some of the power ups and a but crap compared to others, I think it owudl be cool to have something like the always mine radius one always on then everything else is a bonus. but that probs needs some tweeking. 
Id also like some ikinda way to declane an upgrade , may alreayd be there but sometimes i has a good setup and seemed forced to replace somthign with a less good powerup.
I hear ur working on updates and am looking forward to seeing what improvments are in the pipe already
Some kinda push back enemy ability would be good, dono if any of the powers have knock bach atm

I'm glad you live the game.
Hmm strange, iv never seen that before, Il keep an eye out, that levels all about doing stuff in the right order and timing. is pritty tough with multiple steps.

Thanks. :) We did try out versions that fit the full screen but since the game was designed for NES at first it would mean rebalancing all the levels or adding a boring inaccessible area. We thought the borders looked cooler and was much less hassle.

No probs, its a bit tricky at first especialy if u dont have a device.
seems to let me sideload now, yip seems to work now, 

(1 edit)

nope u broke the pdx. needs to be the pdx folder in a zip, not just a zip with pdx in the name, was right for that part at first.

on mac the pdx folder is like a recognised file thing, on windows its just a folder whitch is a little confusing

i did get a crash and error after dying thoughmain.lua:45: asttempt to index a nil value (global "bgm")
45 initilize
286 gameover
253, 115

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I think the issue with sideloading is the -- bird in the
I removed it and it let me sideload fine. another gotcha sometimes is what u use to zip it. windows explorer on win 10 dosnt always work , so i use winrar and chooses zip and that seems to work. may not be the case here just a thing to try if ur ever scratching ur head
installing now

name=Crank Hero
description=Inspired from "Stick Hero" by "Ketchapp"

I see its now at the top of most recent :)
hope u get loads more views now

ah cool, i didint know that. Hopefully gets fixed soon. Look forward to more playdate games from you  :)

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realy cool game , loved triple triad.
found it through this video
you may wana add playdate to your tags on the games , edit game tab so it shows up when people search, iv had a bit of trouble finding it on the storefront.
hmm, now it ses playdate but still not refreshed on the most recent tab for me

nice level of polish but my inital thoguht is that the buttons are the wrong way roaund. b should be shoot and a jump, like in mario?

i cought a ghost, then got stuck on the shutter screen so quit out,
now even after update it crashes on launch  :(
Il try deleting and reinstalling

Great fun crazy game. Love the look on the monkey. Ah i didnt realise u could crank to shut him up, just been moving realy fast 

Would be good if the timer reset when u finish a stage

yip a few ppl had already requested it. not sure how usable it is in playing but fun to have.

thanks , I'm glad you like it. I was really happy when I thought of the high hat tilt.
having 2 crash sounds could be cool too. il add that.
ON the sequencer, there is on in the sdk iv added it here as a bonus for now but may take it down 

Ah just checked, its got an audio file from tapeworm in there bumping up the size, il update soon

nope,  :P i did wonder weather these were getting copied over the other day.  il try and make sure to add a build step that ignores them or move them out in future.

Theres no 2 player on playdate version coz thers only 1 set of controlls

Fun puzzle game , been enjoying ii so far, I bet levels start to get difficult soon.
Not as much of a fan of the scrolling screens, I like being able to see the whole puzzle but one every now and again is fine.
no music so far?
I would mabie make the icy tiles more unique? they are a little subtle for me, i would have gone base black with details to show its defo different and increase the speed when moving on them.
I'm sure people would pay for this

Thanks, thers no save feature on windows. you have to rememeber the 4 letter password on the levels tape, u can press select to see the code again.