Oh, good point. There is an alternative with using Num 0 as well, but it does require a numpad.
Thanks for your feedback!
Very cute and polished aestetic, especially for a 7 day affair. Gameplay is fine, not much originality, basic tower defence. The difficulty curve could probably be increased a bit, it didn't take long for me to have good enough defenses that I could just tab out. A speed up button would've been a great feature to help this as well. If it wasn't already done, for next time I suggest getting some playtest done much earlier during production, no matter how basic the game is. Lack of combat SFX does also make combat a bit dull.
Neat little game, good job guys, you have a lot of potential!
Love the setting, WW1 armored tank vs zombies? SOLD
Combat is satisfying, shooting the canon feels amazing, good job on the raggdolls too. Main critisism is it feels very long, could definitely use some variety in the second half, or some trimming. Tank vs train was epic!
Good job, I see the potential!