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A member registered Mar 20, 2022

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So excited~ It'll be hard to wait LOL

I'm going to try not being (too) sappy about this, I just really wanted to thank the Dev team for making this game.

I've been playing it since 2020, but every time I do it's beautifully bittersweet. This game's basically the life I wish I had, especially since I'm particularly socially challenged (really bad anxiety and panic disorder), so I have a hard time going near people, let alone making friends with them or even get to a relationship like you can with Cove in the game. I wish I had grown up like this, carefree and very clearly loved. I really wish I had grown up being able to make friends like Cove, Derek, Lee, Miranda, Terry, Baxter. Really, the whole crew.  I'm just becoming an adult, so I know the time to make those friendships isn't over, but my anxiety is just getting worse, so I most likely won't be able to. Because of this, it makes the game all that more precious to me.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making a game which I can adore so deeply and give me a sliver of something I so dearly wished for growing up. So, thank you again Devs!

(Sorry I ended up being sappy even though I said I'd try not to lol ^^;)