Yes, Indeed. It is called Minecraft, where the transitory lands of the Lords of Mojang converge. In venturing north, the wandering traders discover the truth of the old words : The updates fade, and the players go without good updates. When the release of the updates are threatened, the bell tolls, unearthing the old Lords of Mojang from their spawners...
Enderman, Saint of the End.
Mojang's Undead Leigon : The Ravine Watchers
And the Reclusive Mob of the Ancient City : The Warden
Only, in truth, the mojang devs will sell their company... And the noobs will rise. Nameless, accursed children, unfit even to build a base.
And so it is, that toddlers seeketh "Gamer Boy" on Nova Skins.
A member registered 46 days ago