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A member registered Apr 22, 2022

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Unequivocally incorrect. Skibidi toilet actively gets tens of millions of views, just because you don't have interest in it does not mean the meme is dead

Who asked tho

Took a look and quickly realized I had no Idea what I was doing :)

This is one of those games that only come around once in a blue moon, I just binged 0.1 and 0.2 for 12 hours, and now at the start of 0.3 I find myself worried I've gone too fast and not savored the experience, so for the first time ever, I'm going to stop playing until the next update.

I can tell the scope of this game is much, MUCH bigger than Once in a Lifetime, and I cannot wait to see where the story ends up, even if I already have a hunch what the big twist is going to be. (I wonder who else could possibly have 100% compatibility oh man I wonder if they're the same person, but I digress)

Seeing as most of the Main Girls only have 1 scene, and the ones that don't have 0, after what is probably 18 total hours of gameplay, I can tell this one is going to be massive.

I also just wanted to point out that above this game obviously having Erotic content, with that being the main draw for new players, I found myself more interested in the plot and the story than waiting for the next H-Scene, which are like a nice cherry on top. What I'm trying to say if you are incredible author, and both of your stories so far are amazing from story-telling perspective.

Enough with my coomer rant, can't wait for 0.4

Great game so far, but I noticed a little plot hole, or I guess just an inconsistency. Spoilers ahead.

So basically during Loura's quest where you get to know her better she says she was sold into slavery and that she never saw her drunkard father, who she hates, again. Then later on during another one of her quests she claims a mage killed her Father and she seemed rather upset by it. Just doesn't make sense, unless she's lying one of the times, but she seems fully convicted both times.


God damn the Elf's storyline is so brutal. Is there no way to save her Mother? Cause after that you can either choose to have her commit self die or make her be unaware of the tragedy while you bang her. Feels so wrong.

Is there a way to get more save slots than just the 7 pages of 12? I tend to save A LOT at 84 slots really isn't enough for me

My brother in Christ what the fuck

So how many pirate bunkers are there? I've only found 2 so far but I'm pretty sure I've looked literally ever where. Yukari says there are "many" so I was just wondering if there was more than just the 2?

Awesome. I'll take a look later on and I'll get back to you.

Hey, I'm loving the game so far! The only issue I can see is the English grammar. Is there any way I can help with that? I'm fluent in English and have virtually unlimited free time. I would be willing and able to proofread and edit the dialogue if you'd let me.

So I'm confused, will the yellow stats with a lock on them be pay-gated once they're added? As well as the yellow hearts on the character cards? If so how much will it cost, or what tier on the Patreon do you need?

This game is amazing, best in the genre for sure. Maybe update the game description though cause I haven't even unlocked every scene yet and I have 43 hours according to the itch app. Maybe if you never read the dialogue there's only 24 hours of content but god damn has it been great so far. Can't wait for 0.13

??? They did ??? Don't follow any paths, make the wrong choice every time

This game's an absolute masterpiece, 10/10

How can you remaster a masterpiece?

I recommend using a walkthrough and starting over. I was also losing path at that point and it turns out it was a seemingly unimportant choice that I had made several hours ago. In my opinion you should path lose there, but it makes you wait to let you know. I don't want to spoil anything in the comments, but consider paying attention when you get home, you aren't yet the man of the house after all.