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Peter G. Bouillon

A member registered Nov 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

I think I’m out of luck playing your game. At least, I don’t see any tutorial text in several minutes; there’s only a star meandering from left to right and from right to left whilst the right bottom says “Space to skip”.

In particular, I’m not seeing the text of the second screenshot in either French or English.

The problem might be that my box has a German Windows 10 installed – thus, neither French nor English.

Is there a way to fix this so that it defaults to English (or French) whenever the operating system is neither English nor French?

EDIT: Preliminary experiments: The game seems to react to the keyboard rather than to the Windows version. When I set my keyboard to English, I see the tutorial text. When my Windows is set to English, but with a German (QUERTZ) keyboard, the tutorial doesn’t show up, neither in English nor French.

(1 edit)

Hi Jazorius,

Thanks for the feedback!

I’ll try and arrange for a French translation of the rules. Unfortunately, despite my last name, I’m not a native French speaker, so it won’t be that easy. Let’s see what deepl will make of it.

BTW, the game is randomly generated. If you start it again, you’ll get all new tokens that need to be stacked all differently. But I only had the time to make one drawer, so the drawer content will be the same each time you win. :-)

The cat, that’s just me, pitched up an octave or two.

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If you’re about to throw the towel then click on Kitty for a little pep talk. :)

The token tops might look in contrast to their surroundings as if they were white, but they aren’t. In keeping with the green/yellow theme, I’ve given them a cream colour (thus a yellowish hue).

(2 edits)

> I felt like a genius actually solving the game.


Unfortunately I had to cut down heavily the scope that I had planned due to time constraints. Stay tuned and I'll present a second room after the voting has ended.

You might be interested in “Thinker”, my entry to the Adventure Game Jam of last year over at . It shares the same Cinorq universe but has a different story line. It's longer and (I hope) less tough. (Note, the game used to be free but isn't any longer, I'm afraid.)

(2 edits)


1. Watch the bot's “camera” (head). What does it do, and when?

2. There are some times that the bot is looking all around, but there are other times where it is occupied and not looking around. Make use of those times, and Ian'll dare to leave his hiding behind the hedge.

3. (Here comes the solution:)













The bot is distracted whenever it waters one of the trees. When it is moving around, it looks all around so that's no good and Ian must hide. When it is watering the plants in the front, it doesn't look all around, but it is headed in the direction of the hedge, and so that's no good either and Ian must stay in his hiding place. So wait for moments where the bot waters the conifer or the palm. In these times the bot is looking away. Now you can interact with things that are about as far as the door is. You might even get them out of the sight of the bot altogether so that it can't see what you do with them ...

(5 edits)

So here are some hints:

1. Get the watering robot occupied for a long time at a place where it doesn't see much. So then Ian can roam more freely.

2. What would be reachable by a spear from Ian's place that the robot goes to regularly? What action can you perform with a spear?

3. (Here comes the solution:)

















Poke a hole into the pot of the palm. (You can either use the spear on the hedge or on the palm, both should work.) Will only work if you wait for a time where the bot is not looking around and not looking in the general direction of this tree. Then watch the bot watering the palm in an endless loop without avail.

From the FAQ:
“There is not a theme, but there will be a list of recommended diversifiers which we’ll have special accommodations for.“

So, shouldn't this list of “diversifiers” be part of the jam description, now that the jam has started? 🤔

Thanks for the feedback!
I've slated a post-jam update that will have the siren only wail 3 times instead of throughout the whole speaker messages (and that also adds a mini game that was left out of the jam version due to time constraints).

Contains spoilers: Read this when you're stuck at the get-go...

First thing for Ian is to keep the police out, and so he must stop the door from being opened. So lock the door? (Ian can examine, i.e., right-click the door lock and find out that locking the door won't stop the police.) So perhaps stop the door handle from being depressed. That would block the door, too. But how?

The cabinet that is directly next to the door might fit the ticket (right-click on the cabinet to examine it). Yes, it does fit snugly under the door handle, but (left-click on the cabinet to interact with it, i.e. move it) the cabinet doesn't budge.

Why is moving the cabinet so hard? Let's open the cabinet and find out. (There's a foot switch on the cabinet shutter, interact with it.) Ah, it's full of crates. (Right-click on one of the crates to examine it). They are heavy cartridges and so seem to weigh the cabinet down. (At this point, it's important that Ian has examined the cabinet so that Ian knows that it's is the right size to block the door handle.) (Left-click on a cartridge, and Ian will move the cartridges out of the way.)

Right, so now the cabinet is empty, so let's move it. (Left-click on the cabinet). Oops, it still doesn't move? What's wrong? Let's look carefully in and around the cabinet to see whether we spot the problem. Ah, there are screws in the back panel of the cabinet -- it seems to be screwed to the wall! (Right-click on one of the screws). Yes, it is. 

So we'll need a screwdriver or something in order to get the screws out. That's going to be hard, a screwdriver is nowhere to be seen. Are there any receptacles or nooks that might contain one? Or is it covered? We'd need to look around and right-click (examine) the promising spots (note that the cursor changes whenever hovering over something you can look at or interact with, so there are hints for this search).

Hm. There is a receptacle that Ian is very interested in looking in (when examining it), but it's closed. And Ian knows what is needed to open it ... perhaps the search above has already uprooted something appropriate to open it ... or we might need to continue searching ...

(1 edit)

First thing for Ian is to keep the police out, and so he must stop the door from being opened.
So lock the door? (Ian can examine, i.e., right-click the door lock and find out that locking the door won't stop the police.)
So perhaps stop the door handle from being depressed. That would block the door, too. But how?

The cabinet that is directly next to the door might fit the ticket (right-click on the cabinet to examine it).
Yes, it does fit snugly under the door handle, but (left-click on the cabinet to interact with it, i.e. move it) the cabinet doesn't budge.

Why is moving the cabinet so hard? Let's open the cabinet and find out. (There's a foot switch on the cabinet shutter, interact with it.)
Ah, it's full of crates. (Right-click on one of the crates to examine it).
They are heavy cartridges and so seem to weigh the cabinet down.
(At this point, it's important that Ian has examined the cabinet so that Ian knows that it's is the right size to block the door handle.)
(Left-click on a cartridge, and Ian will move the cartridges out of the way.)

Right, so now the cabinet is empty, so let's move it. (Left-click on the cabinet). Oops, it still doesn't move?
What's wrong? Let's look carefully in and around the cabinet to see whether we spot the problem.
Ah, there are screws in the back panel of the cabinet -- it seems to be screwed to the wall! (Right-click on one of the screws). Yes, it is. 

So we'll need a screwdriver or something in order to get the screws out. That's going to be hard, a screwdriver is nowhere to be seen. Are there any receptacles or nooks that might contain one? Or is it covered? We'd need to look around and right-click (examine) the promising spots (note that the cursor changes whenever hovering over something you can look at or interact with, so there are hints for this search).

Hm. There is a receptacle that Ian is very interested in looking in (when examining it), but it's closed. And Ian knows what is needed to open it ... perhaps the search above has already uprooted something appropriate to open it ... or we might need to continue searching ...


(1 edit)

I usually don't destroy those results of my biological meddling that I don't like. Instead, I'm throwing them into designated dumping grounds in the sea (as far out as possible, as next to each other as possible).

Does that make me a bad person? Will a monster come out of the depths for me sooner or later? Do submerged plants adapt to aquatic environmental conditions sooner or later?