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Lopes Doria

A member registered Feb 08, 2021

Recent community posts

Very fun!

My biggest trouble was realizing that lbh unir gb chfu gur fgne.

Very fun. I really enjoyed the mechanic and would buy a full-fledged game themed around it. :D

It was hard but very satisfying once you figure out the mechanics and tricks to get the rocks to do what you want them to. I loved it.

Well, thank you so much for the encouragement. Here it is

Grow-ON Jam community · Created a new topic Ashamed

I made a game the day I found out about this Jam but I was afraid of sharing it because it was my first ever project and I thought it looked ugly. Now I regret not having joined and I wanted to ask if it was ok to post a link to it here.

P. S. I made it in Scratch.