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Porfirio Partida

A member registered Mar 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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Huge congratulations on your game project! The mechanics are so creative, and the theme is absolutely captivating. Can't wait to see more of your work!

I know!! I saw the need of the shadow during the streams, people wouldn't even know the bottle was not in the above lane...

Thanks for checking and thanks for the feedback!

Just amazing job. Imagine my :pika-face: when you have to sacrifice some of them.

Oh the last house comment... This was just an amazing experience. Keep doing a great job!

This is awesome!

This is awesome!

Hey, thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

awesome and clean mechanic, I'd love to see an indicator of the ranges

Wave 11 was my difficult mark, then mark 18 randomly said game over while having 10 lives :( maybe I pressed a quit shortcut?

Amazing, keep doing a great job.

It should be easier to let me just start with space or mouse click, pressing enter makes me move my right hand to a different pose and then move it back because that's how you shoot.

The restart with R is cool, but I'd rather have it in a different key, I pressed it by accident like 4 times, including the last one when I decided to drop off. Maybe on dead you can restart with space-enter-click again?

Restart after you held R for few seconds? or after you clicked manually a refresh icon button.. I don't know.

Other than that, the auto aim weird mechanic is nice (or maybe I didn-t figure how to aim)

Keep doing a great job!