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Looney Lulu

A member registered Aug 27, 2022

Recent community posts

Is there going to be a DRM-free version of the full game?

they used Unity

Will the game also be published on or GOG? I would love to purchase a DRM-free copy of the game when it comes out!

Could you possibly compile a version of this game for Linux? This game is really cool and I would love to run it natively on my laptop!

Do I need a specific version of the wads? The pk3 compiled but when I try to start any of the episodes, gzdoom crashes

Thank you! Although, it keeps giving me an error in the command line

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

(1 edit)

How do I download your fork? I go to the link and there's no release on the GitHub to download? Furthermore, as far as I know, there isn't any documentation on how to even launch this program in linux, when I download the base program from the page and try to launch it using the .sh file on my linux system, it won't run.

What's the difference between this version and the one on Steam?