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A member registered Mar 28, 2022

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Ah could definitely be that I got caught up in the feeling of "oh, I keep winning, this can't be true random". That said, the fact that you can just skyrocket in money so quickly might devalue a lot of the game loop unless there is some other reason to do the work challenge every day. Perhaps instead of following an exponential curve, it ramps up to $32 exponentially, then after that it just keeps adding $32? Up to you entirely, but it was two game days for me of realizing I could buy the unlocks (thought I had to just get them from random drops), then spending some money unlocking until I was down to like $50, then spent all my money gambling and came away with $32k. If that's working as intended, then great! If you want it to be harder to get the unlocks, maybe some of them must be earned through the work loot box? Maybe they cost more? idk, just musing

Just started playing the most recent update, incredibly impressive considering how far it's come in just a few months! It's pretty fun, I like the gameplay loop a lot!

The only "bug" I see right now is that your coin flip is incredibly biased towards heads. I realized this around $500 and then started just playing over and over again choosing just heads. After a few tries, I won $32k and was able to just unlock everything. Also discovered that if you purchase all the items on one tab, then go to the next and purchase more, sometimes it would forget that I purchased the previous tab's items when I return to the tab... Wasn't paying close enough attention, so sorry I don't have more specific details.

Incredible job overall! You should be proud!

Having movement vs camera be a button toggle or maybe one finger vs two would be great imo. I attempted to tap several times and either my hands or my screen caused it to simply nudge the camera. Once or twice I got it to work with a double tap, but that was it.

I'm a fan! Some criticisms: controls are a little difficult, I haven't been able to consistently control movement vs camera angle. You mention mechanics will change in the future, but personally I don't like the way the stomach capacity functions: I'd rather spend most of the time /overfilling/ her and get growth from that. Also, it's unclear if just her stomach or also her ass is expanding? Maybe different food causes different growth?

All that said, it's a great start! Looks better than many of the other games I've played with similar progress and content.

Update, was my bad: the 7z option I selected was e (extract without paths) instead of x (extract and maintain paths).

Artifact community · Created a new topic Unable to Launch

I downloaded the 7z file, unzipped it, and attempted to run it but nothing happens. There aren't any error pop ups or anything like that it just doesn't do anything. I am running Windows 11, so I thought maybe that was the problem? I also tried the HTML version, but none of the assets loaded there. Any advice would be appreciated!