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A member registered Apr 28, 2021

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Hello, Melancholy Marionette

I just finished playing Solipsism Reigns and I really enjoyed it. And now I can’t get it out of my mind, I just love Kuro so much. I know they’re all Kuros but I feel like I prefer certain kuros over other Kuros, but I'd say my favorites are detective route Kuro and doll maker Kuro.


I like that the detective route Kuro, despite having a high yandere level, he still listens to the protagonist and doesn’t read her mind. And perhaps due to the sprite, he looks more confident than the rest. I like the bad ending where he gouged her eyes so the protagonist won’t look at others and only look at him alone, it’s just so fitting for a yandere. But the bad ending that leaves the most impression is when the protagonist got captured by Topper, even with her mind broken, she feels something when snow touches her, I assume it reminds her of Kuro’s icy touch. Truth be told, I actually like Farro as well, haha. I like this route for its creepiness and the ??? route best. As for the doll maker Kuro, I just feel so sorry for him :( ‘Fixing the dolls’ was a coping mechanism for all the things he had encountered, and the scene when his sanity returned and he repeatedly hit his head against the wall broke my heart… 

I think my least favorite Kuro is the mage route Kuro, I am terrified of him. Out of all the bad endings, I think his are the most violent. I know yanderes are violent and illogical but it seems he finds pleasure in torturing for no reason as opposed to being too overbearing that they kill their love interest. Sometimes I wonder if I can handle a yandere boyfriend IRL, I think yeah perhaps, as long as I don’t look at other guys or don’t upset him I should be fine. However, this mage route changed my mind. The protagonist only asked for his suggestion for which direction to go, didn’t trigger him or anything, and he went full psycho T[]T. But really, I don’t hate him, if anything it’s because of him that I have a deeper impression of this VN and discovered more yanderes. But yeah, I still prefer other Kuros over him (I don’t want to die so easily, haha).

Oh, I have a question regarding Isaac, I want to know what his ideal ‘weapon’ is like? It seems he wants to erase the original’s personality completely, so I wonder what his perfect ‘weapon’ is like.

Finally, thank you so much for creating this game! I really, really like it. I hope you’ll continue to make more games with yandere guys in the future :D Have a nice day!