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A member registered Feb 08, 2015 · View creator page →

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I hope the afterlife is as cool as your games

Jogo muito foda, mas detetei alguns bugs:

Player 1 e 2 - Só dispara para cima estando de costas.

Player 2 - Não dispara apontando na diagonal para cima.

Jogo brutal!


Is there any way to restart the game so I can try the new version from the beginning? :)

Great adventure! I'm very curious about the ending can you give me a clue about the puzzle on the bottom right of the map, the one with the button and the bouncing ball? I can't solve it but I'm soo curious what's behind the door in the graveyard ><

Precious illustrations! simple but so well done :)

Wait a minute.. the lower the resolution is the faster the influence spreads!!

I can't get past the first round even if I place the buildings the same way as the people who posted their videos... The "positive influences" are slower in my computer...